USPS and industry leaders are participating in “boot camp” training through the Postal Customer Councils (PCCs), local groups that strengthen relationships between the Postal Service, business mailers and their customers.
The boot camps provide participants with training in communications, policy, education, membership and other areas.
Boot camps have been held in several cities, including Philadelphia, where Chief Operating Officer David Williams served as keynote speaker.
“I am encouraging all of you to identify key focus areas for your PCC, and to have a call to action with your executive boards and your membership to ensure you are providing the type of educational programming that appeals to your members,” Williams told participants.
Eastern Area VP Joshua Colin, who hosted the Philadelphia session, said the partnership between USPS and the PCCs provides a channel to improve customer service and “make mailing with the Postal Service seamless and easy.”
Before each boot camp, participants complete a self-assessment to determine their training goals. Upon completion, attendees become certified PCC boot camp professionals.
“PCC boot camps provide a platform so that we can all grow the mail,” said Industry Engagement and Outreach Manager Judy de Torok.