Are you engaging your employees on a daily basis?
If not, then Postal Service leaders have another question: What are you waiting for?
Last month, all USPS managers should have completed a review of the results of the latest Postal Pulse survey, conducted a “state of the team” conversation with employees and submitted plans to make improvements.
These action plans should now be in effect.
“By applying the principles of engagement on a daily basis, managers can improve their workplace environments and help the Postal Service strengthen its overall performance,” said Employee Engagement Executive Director Kelvin Williams.
All employees will soon receive a postcard at home that lists the Postal Pulse results for their district, area and headquarters’ function. The cards will encourage employees to ask their managers about any results that have not been shared.
“We want to spark conversations across the Postal Service about ways to improve engagement,” Williams said.
Managers who were unable to share the survey results with their teams or complete an action plan due to extreme circumstances should satisfy these requirements now, Williams said.
The Employee Engagement LiteBlue site has additional engagement information on engagement. Employees with questions should email the engagement team.