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Don’t use USPS credit cards for personal expenses

Breaking this rule can lead to corrective action

A woman taps a credit card on a handheld scanner.
Before you tap that government-issued credit card, ask yourself: Is this an authorized business expense?

The USPS Ethics Office is reminding Postal Service employees not to use the organization’s credit cards for personal expenses.

Government-issued credit cards can only be used for authorized, business-related expenses.

For example, employees should never use the cards to pay for a video streaming subscription, a haircut or pet insurance.

Employees also cannot use Voyager cards to purchase fuel for a personal vehicle or to buy drinks and snacks.

Using these cards for personal expenses is a violation of federal regulations and will result in corrective action, up to and including job loss.

Employees who have questions should email the USPS Ethics Office or call (202) 268-6346.