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Test your recall on Freedom of Information Act exemptions

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How much do you know about the Freedom of Information Act?

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. True or false: In some cases, USPS and other federal agencies are exempt from disclosing information under the Freedom of Information Act.

a) True

b) False

2. Where did content from the HERO online learning platform recently move?

a) Blue

b) LiteBlue

c) MyHR

d) None of the above

3. Fill in the blanks: USPS uses Green Tag 191, Domestic and International Ballots, for (blank), while Red Tag 57, Political Campaign Mailing, is used for (blank).

a) Ballot Mail, Political Mail

b) Political Mail, Ballot Mail

c) All of the above

d) None of the above

4. About how long does it take to complete the Postal Pulse employee survey?

a) 1 to 3 minutes

b) 3 to 5 minutes

c) 5 to 7 minutes

d) 7 to 9 minutes

5. Where in California do the Penas — a family that has three generations of members with Postal Service careers — work?

a) Chula Vista

b) El Cajon

c) San Diego

d) None of the above

Answers: 1) a. 2) c. 3) a. 4) c. 5) a.