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EAP’s vital mission

National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month begins Sept. 1

A sad-looking woman wearing a gray sweater
The USPS Employee Assistance Program wants to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and suicide risk.

September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, and the USPS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is using the occasion to remind employees of its many resources.

During the monthlong campaign, EAP aims to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and suicide risk. The hope is that reducing the stigma that often surrounds these matters will make it easier for people to receive the help they need.

The campaign also seeks to foster an environment where talking about mental health issues and suicide risk is normalized. This information may help those who are struggling to feel less isolated and more likely to reach out for support.

The campaign also includes strategies for assisting others who may be struggling.

Campaign materials will be available for download on the Monthly Focus page of the EAP website throughout the month. The materials are available year-round under the “Suicide Prevention” tab of

Help is available 24/7 year-round at and at 800-327-4968 (800-EAP-4YOU); the TTY number is 877-492-7341.