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Haul out the Holly

Templates, Zoom backgrounds available

Each Hollygrams template features Holly, the elf for the USPS Operation Santa program.

The Postal Service is reminding employees that they have access to Hollygram message templates, as well as a variety of holiday-themed Zoom backgrounds.

Hollygrams feature Holly, the USPS Operation Santa elf, and are available in six templates.

The Zoom backgrounds feature scenic backdrops, as well as previously released Holiday Elves, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa stamps.

Both the Hollygrams and the Zoom backgrounds can be downloaded from Blue.

Employees should go to the Postal Communicator’s Toolbox, find the “Blue Holiday Newsroom” under the holiday heading and select “Hollygrams” or “Zoom backgrounds.”

There are instructions for opening the Hollygram Word templates, writing a message and pasting it into the body of an email.

Hollygrams can also be saved and emailed as attachments or printed and mailed.