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Leads delivered

Campaign results in $836M in new revenue

Samuel Johnson, a customer services manager in Vernon, CA, helped bring in almost $2.3 million for the Postal Service by submitting a lead after talking with a customer.

The Postal Service’s Delivering for Main Street campaign has ended, bringing in $835.7 million in new revenue for the organization.

The campaign began Oct. 1, 2022, with a goal of $700 million in new revenue, 100,000 sales leads from employees and a participation rate of 13 percent.

The initiative, which ended Sept. 30, resulted in 17.86 percent of employees submitting at least one sales lead, for a total of 227,039 employee-generated leads.

The fiscal year 2024 campaign — Power of One — began Oct. 1 and has goals of generating more than $1 billion in revenue from employee-generated sales leads and a participation rate of 21 percent.

“We have started the 2024 fiscal year with more than $500 million still in our sales funnels,” said Lou DeRienzo, a small-business senior specialist at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “To really showcase the power of our employees, we’ll need each one to talk to business customers and then submit at least one lead during the next 12 months.”

Employees can submit leads through LEADing Together, a new program that makes it easier to pass along sales tips.

The LEADing Together portal combines the Postal Service’s six employee lead generation programs into one.

Employees with ACE IDs can submit leads through the new Employee Lead Entry site on Blue by selecting the “LEADing Together” link under “Featured Topics.”

Employees who do not have an ACE ID can access the site through LiteBlue by clicking on the LEADing Together link under the “USPS employee resources” tab.

Employees with USPS-issued mobile devices can use the LEADing Together app.

Customer 360 users can click on “LEADing Together” to access the site on that platform. Letter carriers who use a mobile delivery device, or MDD, can enter leads while in street mode, under option “U.”

The Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page has more information about how employees can submit a lead.