The USPS Corporate Library will host webinars on using Lexis, an online research database available through the library’s Subscription Databases page, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, and Wednesday, Nov. 30.
The three sessions will be conducted by LexisNexis Government Solutions and are open to all employees:
- Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1 p.m. EST: “Conducting Business and Financial Research on Lexis” will demonstrate how to use LexisNexis Dossier to generate prospecting lists of companies, customized by industry, geographic location or other criteria, as well as how to search for financial information in Lexis. Register through Zoom.
- Tuesday, Nov. 29, 3 p.m. EST: “News Research on Lexis” will provide instructions on creating effective searches and alerts using a database of more than 40,000 news and business sources. Register through Zoom.
- Wednesday, Nov. 30, 3 p.m. EST: “Using Lexis for Legal and Legislative Research” will demonstrate how to use Lexis to access cases, bills, laws and regulations; run topical searches; and more. Register through Zoom.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the session.
To learn how to use any of the USPS Corporate Library’s other research databases, contact the librarian at