The next Postal Pulse employee survey will take place June 14-July 15.
The annual survey allows employees to share observations about their work environments, providing the organization with valuable feedback to make improvements.
Here’s what you should know about this year’s survey:
• Beginning June 14, nonbargaining employees will receive an email from Gallup that will contain a link to a survey website. Gallup is the organization that runs the survey.
• Bargaining employees will receive the paper survey at work and, in late June, at home.
If bargaining employees choose to complete the survey received at home, they are encouraged to bring it to work and receive time to complete it on the clock. Bargaining employees with a USPS email address will also receive the survey via email.
The results of this survey will provide feedback to Postal Service leaders on how they can better support and engage with their employees.
If you have questions about the survey, email