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Spring Into Motion

Challenge helps employees reach health goals

Employees used a special website and mobile app to track their steps during the challenge.

The USPS Health and Wellness team recently participated in a six-week challenge that demonstrated how small steps can lead to big, positive changes.

The Spring Into Motion challenge, conducted in cooperation with Kaiser Permanente, ran from April 5-May 14.

The challenge encouraged healthy behaviors by allowing participants to discover something new about spring each week.

Eight federal agencies participated in Spring Into Motion, with a total of 2,482 participants. The Postal Service had the most overall participants, with more than 800 employees taking part individually or in teams of up to five people.

Employees used the Spring Into Motion website and mobile app to track exercise steps, access healthy recipes, answer trivia questions and support one another on message boards.

The overall winning team was composed of four USPS employees in Cincinnati: Raejean Boggs, Ohio 2 District retail manager; Andrew B. Glancy, Michigan 2 District’s customer relations manager; Charlotte N. Morrow, a customer relations coordinator; and Samantha Routzon, a custodian.

The top three individuals in the challenge also featured Lorraine P. Cook, a Pittsburgh distribution supervisor, who placed second.

Employees interested in learning more about Spring Into Motion or in participating in a future challenge should send an email to