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Opportune moments

Clerks Care leads bring in $43,000

Grand Rapids, MN, Retail Associate Debra Salisbury, left, shown with Northland District Business Development Specialist Cynthia Watson, has used the Clerks Care program to generate more than $43,000 in revenue for USPS. This photo was taken last year following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols in place at the time.

Debra Salisbury, a USPS retail associate in Grand Rapids, MN, submitted six leads through the Clerks Care program during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30.

Four of those leads turned into sales totaling more than $43,000 in new estimated annualized revenue for the Postal Service.

The largest came in June, after a customer Salisbury has known for years asked her about shipping to Canada.

Salisbury put the customer, who is the chief executive officer of a powersports accessories company, in touch with Cynthia Watson, a Northland District business development specialist. Working with the fields sales team, Watson closed a deal worth $36,577 in estimated annualized revenue.

“Debra demonstrates her passion for assisting her customers by asking them how the Postal Service can serve them better,” said Mary Anderson, small-business engagement director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “This kind of interaction and care opens up opportunities.”

Sales generated from Clerks Care leads are counted toward the USPS Power of One campaign to raise revenue through sales leads from employees.

The Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page is tracking participation in Clerks Care and other employee lead programs: Customer Connect, Mail Handlers, Business Connect, Rural Reach and Submit a Lead.

The Postal Service is encouraging as many employees as possible to submit at least one lead through any of its six lead programs by Sept. 30.

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