“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. How many mailpieces did the Postal Service deliver during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, according to the organization’s latest annual report to Congress?
a) 1.29 billion
b) 12.92 billion
c) 129.2 billion
d) None of the above
2. Which topics are the subject of new workplace posters from the USPS Ethics Office? (More than one answer is possible.)
a) Accepting gifts during the coronavirus pandemic
b) Obeying Hatch Act rules
c) Proper use of postal property
d) Reliable mail delivery
3. Fill in the blank: USPS policy permits substances that satisfy the legal definition of (blank) to be mailed to domestic destinations and destinations within U.S. territories.
a) Hemp
b) Hemp-based products
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
4. How much has the Customer Connect program generated in estimated annualized revenue for USPS since 2003?
a) $1 billion
b) $2 billion
c) $3 billion
d) $4 billion
5. Which USPS website offers news reports, feature stories and informational videos, including the latest updates on the coronavirus pandemic?
a) Informed Visibility
b) Link
c) PolicyNet
d) Postal Explorer
Answers: 1) c. 2) c., d. 3) c. 4) c. 5) b.
Share your feedback at uspslink@usps.gov.Your comments could be included in the “Mailbag” column.