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News quiz

Ready to test your knowledge?

Postmaster Deborah Spaulding
Postmaster Deborah Spaulding holds Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp panes at the Tioga, PA, Post Office this month. Do you know how much money has been raised through the sale of this stamp 1998?

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. Approximately how much money has the Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp raised since its release in 1998?

a) $8.78 million
b) $87.8 million
c) $878 million
d) $8.78 billion

2. Fill in the blank: In 1964, letters leaving the (blank) Post Office in the Marshall Islands the day after Oct. 31 were postmarked “Oct. 32” instead of Nov. 1.

a) Ebeye
b) Kili
c) Kwajalein
d) Majuro

3. True or false: Under the Hatch Act, USPS employees are permitted to appear in political advertisements while wearing their postal uniforms.

a) True
b) False

4. Who was the subject of the Oct. 26 edition of “On the job”?

a) Rapid City, SD, Postal Support Employee Tonja Hahn
b) Haskell, NJ, Letter Carrier Demetrius Jennings
c) Washington, DC, Postal Police Officer Tyrone Williams
d) Tuscola, IL, Rural Carrier Patricia Wilson

5. When is the current Combined Federal Campaign slated to conclude?

a) Dec. 15
b) Dec. 31
c) Jan. 11
d) Jan. 31

Answers: 1) b. 2) c. 3) b. 4) c. 5) c.

Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at

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