USPS regularly hears from consumers who say they appreciate the privacy, security and convenience that PO Boxes offer.
PO Boxes also are important to the Postal Service’s bottom line, providing the organization with a reliable revenue stream and helping to solidify customer value.
This is why accurate scanning at PO Boxes is important with Internal Service Performance Measurement (SPM).
Beginning Oct. 1, Internal SPM will become the Postal Service’s official system to measure, record and report the organization’s service performance.
The system relies on “sampling,” a formula that uses random scans to determine the big picture, at all acceptance and delivery points — including PO Boxes.
If your job requires you to deliver mail and packages to these boxes, scan only the current day’s PO Box mail when receiving sampling requests.
Here’s how you can help ensure this:
• Identify the PO Boxes to be sampled and block those boxes to ensure that mail delivered on a previous day is not mistakenly included in the current day’s sampling.
• When you come across flats and letters for the boxes to be sampled, set those mailpieces aside in a tray or bin for sampling.
• Continue to deliver mail to the boxes not identified for sampling.
• Take the mail set aside for sampling and complete the sampling work orders on the Intelligent Mail Device (IMD).
An instructional video on correct sampling procedures is available on Blue. If you have additional questions or want further information, talk to your delivery unit supervisor.