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Need to know

Safety ambassadors, other updates

Safety ambassadors
USPS safety ambassadors should wear these vests to help identify them when they perform safety-related tasks.

Safety ambassadors reminder. The Postal Service is continuing to encourage employees to become safety ambassadors.

Safety ambassadors are employees who volunteer to help USPS identify and abate hazards, raise awareness and encourage co-workers to use safe work practices.

To apply, talk to your supervisor. The Safety Toolkit site has more information.

Additionally, reflective vests for ambassadors are available using PSN 8415180002084 in the eBuy2 system. USPS is encouraging facility managers to purchase these vests for the safety ambassadors in their workplaces.

Orders should be coordinated through district safety offices, which are responsible for distributing the vests to individual facilities.

#Winning. Reminder: USPS has updated Deliver the Win, a site that offers direct mail research and more for political campaigns.

The site, which the Postal Service introduced two years ago, promotes the use of “omni-channel marketing” for campaigns that want to include mail in their promotional efforts.

USPS is encouraging employees to use the site for Political Mail assistance and as a reference point for customers with questions.

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