USPS wants employees to follow the procedures for “bundle visibility,” a process that helps the organization add value to Informed Delivery.
Through Informed Delivery, consumers receive digital images of their incoming letter-sized mailpieces. These images are captured as the mailpieces move through the Postal Service network.
Bundle visibility allows Informed Delivery users to see other kinds of incoming mail, including flat-sized pieces like advertisements and brochures.
Bundle visibility is needed during mail processing, when postal equipment sorts bundles to containers affixed with Mail Transport Equipment Labeler (MTEL) placard barcodes.
Bundles nested in containers with MTEL placard barcodes, such as 99P and 99H placards, sacks and direct mailer containers (with 99M placards), should be scanned at each step during processing, including when they are loaded onto transportation vehicles to delivery units and again during distribution in those delivery units.
Once these scans are completed, digital content provided by the mailer can be added to customers’ Informed Delivery previews — making mail more visible and valuable.
“Bundle visibility is another example of why scanning is vital to the Postal Service,” said Enterprise Analytics Vice President Isaac Cronkhite. “It allows us to add greater visibility to our mail, which is critically important in the Informed Delivery era.”
The Enterprise Analytics site has tools that can help managers and supervisors ensure scanning compliance, including Bundle Visibility Visualization, Surface Visibility (SV) Bin Status, and the SV Compliance Analysis Dashboard.