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News quiz

Ready to test your knowledge?

Bellville, MI, Letter Carrier Tina DeBord collects donations during the May 12 Stamp Out Hunger food drive.

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. Fill in the blank: USPS reported total revenue was $17.5 billion during fiscal 2018’s second quarter, up (blank) compared to the same period one year earlier.

a) 0.4 percent
b) 1.4 percent
c) 2.5 percent
d) 9.5 percent

2. Approximately how many total pounds of food were collected in Flint, MI, during the May 12 Stamp Out Hunger drive?

a) 26,000
b) 38,000
c) 57,000
d) 100,000

3. When did Mailbox Improvement Week originate?

a) 1896
b) 1913
c) 1915
d) 1938

4. True or false: Between 2015 and 2025, USPS is projected to reduce its facility energy usage per square foot by 50 percent.

a) True
b) False

5. For how many years has San Diego Lead Mechanic Fidel Aguliar worked for the Postal Service?

a) 11 years
b) 14 years
c) 21 years
d) 35 years

Answers: 1) b. 2) d. 3) d. 4) b. 5) c.

Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at

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