Grand Rapids, MI, Postmaster Annette McMillan recognizes the importance of generating revenue for the Postal Service — and she makes sure her employees know it, too.
“The employees like making a difference,” McMillan said. “I let them know that we all have a responsibility to increase revenue, and that the sales people cannot do it by themselves.”
McMillan strives to lead by example. So far this year, she has submitted 27 leads through the Business Connect program.
Her office has also surpassed its participation targets for the Customer Connect, Rural Reach and Clerks Care programs.
To encourage employees to make lead generation a priority, the Postal Service recently launched its #LEADtheWay campaign, an initiative to raise awareness of these programs and how they contribute to the organization’s bottom line.
To demonstrate her commitment to the effort, McMillan personally delivers every-other-week service talks on the lead programs to her employees.
“Giving the service talks promotes participation in the programs and gives them tips on how to identify a new revenue opportunity,” she said.
The Sales Blue page has more information about USPS employee lead programs.