MaRita Tubbs wasn’t sure what to expect when she attended a Postal Service career conference this spring.
It turned out to be a pleasant surprise.
“It gave me a chance to meet postal employees — executive, management and craft employees — that otherwise, I may have never met,” said Tubbs, a distribution clerk in Birmingham, AL.
USPS districts across the nation hold career conferences as part of the Postal Service’s emphasis on workforce development. The meetings help employees learn about career opportunities throughout the organization.
The conferences held this spring and summer featured panel discussions, workshops and networking events, along with special features.
For example, at the Alabama District conference that Tubbs attended, participants had an opportunity to receive one-on-one career counseling.
Elsewhere, a Dakotas District conference offered sessions on using Microsoft Office products; a Greater Indiana District conference featured “job shadowing” opportunities; and an Atlanta District conference brought in experienced managers to evaluate attendees’ eCareer profiles.
Other highlights have included guest speakers, such as Chief Operating Officer Dave Williams, who discussed his career path at a Detroit District conference.
“He is a leader who makes this organization stronger,” said Michelle McGee, a customer care agent in Troy, MI. “He inspired me to want to become a supervisor.”
Employees who are interested in attending a career conference should check with their local Human Resources office for dates and times.