Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. A new stamp with thermochromic ink commemorates which astrological event?
a) Partial lunar eclipse
b) Partial solar eclipse
c) Total lunar eclipse
d) Total solar eclipse
2. Entrepreneurs are attending workshops at Post Offices this week for what event?
a) National Postal Forum
b) National Dog Bite Prevention Week
c) National Financial Literacy Week
d) National Small Business Week
3. How many postal teams received “certified engaged team” status for creating positive workplace environments?
a) 369
b) 460
c) 469
d) 560
4. Fill in the blank: Approximately (blank) percent of the Postal Service workforce identifies as Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
a) 7.9
b) 9.7
c) 5
d) 2.7
5. What denomination is the recently released Celebrate Corsage stamp?
a) $1.15 Global Forever
b) 70-cent 2-ounce
c) 49-cent Forever
d) 34-cent Postcard
Answers: 1) d. 2) d. 3) c. 4) a. 5) b.
Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at