The start of 2017 marks the beginning of what promises to be another busy year for the Postal Service.
Throughout the year, the organization will continue its focus on its four core business strategies: delivering world-class customer experiences; engaging, equipping and empowering employees; innovating; and investing in the future.
It also will be another year of milestones.
The first stamp of 2017, Year of the Rooster, will be released Jan. 5.
Other stamps this year will honor President John F. Kennedy; Dorothy Height, one of the most influential civil rights icons of the 20th century; and fashion designer Oscar de la Renta.
First-Class Mail Forever stamp prices will change Jan. 22, along with prices for some shipping products.
The Stamp Out Hunger food drive will take place May 13.
The National Postal Forum, the mailing industry’s largest meeting, will be held from May 21-24 in Baltimore, while September will bring National Postal Customer Council (PCC) Week, an annual event that brings together postal and business customers at events across the nation.
Thanksgiving falls on Nov. 23 in 2017 — the second earliest date the holiday can occur, which means the peak delivery season will be a little longer than usual.