The Smart Business Moments site has expanded to include daily safety tips.
The new tips are part of an overall initiative to promote safety as a core value, reduce accidents, and engage employees in the process of enhancing the Postal Service’s safety culture.
“Smart safety moments provide employees with quick reminders on ways to perform their daily tasks safely so they can return home to their family at the end of each day,” said Safety and OSHA Compliance Director Linda DeCarlo.
Managers and supervisors are required to introduce a smart business moment during any meeting with more than 10 employees, regular staff meetings and any other gathering as deemed appropriate.
Managers and supervisors can now add a smart safety moment.
The new tips were introduced last week and will be added regularly to reflect a variety of work situations where precautions apply.
“These reminders are refreshed regularly to reflect the changing work environment and seasonal safety challenges, as well as changes to specific safety trends for both at work and at home,” DeCarlo said.