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Talking points

Meeting area promotes employee engagement

Distribution Operations Manager Richelle Jones addresses employees in the Michigan Metroplex’s “meet and greet” area.
Distribution Operations Manager Richelle Jones addresses employees in the Michigan Metroplex’s “meet and greet” area.

Employees at the Pontiac, MI, Metroplex Processing and Distribution Center are feeling more connected these days because of a new engagement initiative.

Supervisors and employees gather each day in the facility’s “meet and greet” area to discuss facility operations.

Morning meetings, for example, include a recap of the previous day’s performance and the goals for the next 24 hours.

“[Employees] now have a stake in the game and are taking ownership. It’s also promoting communication between the supervisor and employees,” said Distribution Operations Manager Richelle Jones.

The area, which features 13 video monitors that display information specific to each operational area, aligns with the Postal Service’s broader efforts to increase employees’ involvement, enthusiasm and commitment.

The area also includes a section for employees to post their feedback and monthly accomplishments.

“We look forward to coming to the meet and greet area to hear our goals and our progress,” said Mail Processing Clerk Diamond Bethea. “Everyone loves it.”

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