When it comes to satisfying customers, the Tobyhanna, PA, Post Office has a secret weapon: its employees, who regularly rank highly on the USPS Retail Customer Experience service evaluation.
The program sends independently contracted “mystery shoppers” to Post Offices to evaluate customer service. Shoppers then document their experiences by completing a questionnaire for the Postal Service.
The key is teaching employees how to meet customers’ needs, according to Tobyhanna Postmaster Robert Grasso.
“When an employee comes in from another office, I make sure I spend the time with him or her to discuss how customers should be treated,” Grasso said.
Retail Associate Jonathan Figueroa routinely rehearses “perfect transactions” with customers. “Once you get in your head, the words just flow,” he said.
Liking your job is also important, the employees said.
“I enjoy what I do, and that’s a big part of giving them great customer service,” said Retail Associate Patricia Lombardi.
Sonha Mayatte, another retail associate, credits Lombardi with providing a good example for their co-workers. She also appreciates Grasso’s management style.
“Bob listens to our transactions and gives us feedback,” she said.