Greensboro District has become a leader in efforts to improve the Postal Service through Lean Six Sigma (LSS), a methodology that focuses on eliminating waste, boosting quality and reducing costs.
Greensboro, located in Capital Metro Area, leads USPS in the number of employees who are LSS trained and certified green belts and black belts, two of the highest levels earned by mastering LSS proficiency levels.
Ninety-eight Greensboro employees are trained green belts, including 55 who have received certification. Trained and certified employees work with others to improve workplace efficiency and customers’ experiences.
“This is the most certifications [Greensboro] has ever had at one time,” said District Manager Russell Gardner, who sponsors green belt and black belt candidates.
The Postal Service’s LSS certifications rose sharply last year, reflecting the organization’s emphasis on professional development and boosting efficiency.
Western Area Office and Greater South Carolina District have the second highest number of trained green belts (64), while Southern Area Office and Santa Ana and Sacramento districts have the second highest number of certified green belts (41).
Southern Area Office, Pacific Area Office and Greensboro District have the highest number of certified black belts at 14, 13 and six, respectively.