More than 300 employees received tips on advancing their Postal Service careers at a recent conference in Minneapolis.
The meeting, organized by Western Area’s Northland District, featured sessions on interviewing, leadership skills, strategies for pursuing promotions and creating eCareer profiles.
Attendees also had opportunities to meet one-on-one with senior district managers and apply to Northland’s recruitment and development program.
“To gain an edge, you need to differentiate yourself,” Employee Resource Management VP Nancy Rettinhouse, the keynote speaker, told attendees. “You need to stand out in this competitive environment.”
Districts across the nation hold career conferences as part of the Postal Service’s efforts to strengthen professional development.
Northland District Manager Anthony Williams praised attendees for taking time on a Saturday to participate in the Minneapolis conference.
“It is revealing to me to see all of you sitting and standing here. Know that your organization and your leadership are behind you,” Williams said.