Website offers help for ACE computer users
Week in Review
Here’s what Link covered Dec. 1-7
A movie about mail, a busy week for the CFC and open season’s final stretch all made news
She saw the signs
This carrier helped a customer who had symptoms of heatstroke
Mural of the story
The USPS historian is interviewed and a Post Office gets remodeled
News Quiz
Ready for the rush
How much do you know about the Postal Service’s peak season prep?
Never steal mail
The dangers of criminal collusion are addressed in a new video
Their motto was ‘No mail, low morale’
A new movie chronicles how this Women’s Army Corps battalion helped win WWII
Here are some FYIs about HDHPs
High-deductible health plans are an option this open season
USPS advances strategy for package consolidator agreements
Atlantic Area, MN-ND District lead in scanning
Mr. ZIP appears in a new holiday special
The ‘Blippi’ guest spot is part of a strategy to reintroduce the character
Appointments, awards and more
Here’s a look at recent USPS announcements
Lower flags for Pearl Harbor Day
USPS releases report on 2024 election
The organization delivered more than 99 million ballots
Don’t get snowed this holiday season
The ‘Mailin’ It!’ podcast offers tips on avoiding scams
It’s a good time to support the CFC
Giving Tuesday and International Volunteer Day are this week
As the holidays near, here’s a reminder about gifts
Got out-of-pocket medical expenses?
Several options are available to USPS employees this open season
Don’t lose sight of your USPS devices when traveling
PSHB CareFirst webinar
Week in Review
Here’s what Link covered Nov. 24-30
Holiday prep and customer service improvements made news
His pacemaker had malfunctioned
This carrier came to the aid of a man who was passed out in a driveway
USPS halts mail and package delivery to Canada
Employees can receive discounts from Ottawa University
On the air
A VP promotes USPS Operation Santa and a highway contract route driver departs
News Quiz
Retail details
How much do you know about the new USPS prototype?
PSHB CareFirst webinar
EAP orientation
Postal Bulletin focuses on mobile devices
PSHB virtual seminar