A greeting cards retailer recently began using Priority Mail to ship its products, generating more than $2 million in revenue for the Postal Service.
The sale began when Kansas City, KS, Strategic Account Manager Bill Edwards and Littleton, CO, Sr. Sales Executive Steve Weiss discovered the company wanted to reduce its shipping costs and better leverage its retail store inventory.
Edwards and Weiss met with the company’s representatives and told them about the value of using Priority Mail to ship online orders from their stores. (Businesses aren’t named in sales stories to protect the Postal Service’s competitive advantage.)
The duo also enlisted help from USPS Operations Integration Specialist George Andres for store pickup implementations and software recommendations to help the company process these ship-from-store orders.
Since making the switch to Priority Mail, the retailer is very pleased, Weiss said.
“The end consumers’ expectations of fulfilled orders have improved and the company’s need to reduce in-home delivery times and shipping costs have been resolved,” he said.