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She came to the aid of a customer who took a tumble

The carrier called the woman’s family to alert them to her condition

A woman wearing a postal-themed T-shirt smiles while standing in a Post Office workroom
Manila, AR, Rural Carrier Lee Ann Austin

Rural Carrier Lee Ann Austin was recently delivering mail in Manila, AR, when she saw a customer who had fallen outside her home.

The woman, who runs an antiques store next to the house, had taken a tumble while she was picking up trash that had blown into the road.

The customer had a laceration above her eye, a cut lip and a swollen face. Austin asked if she could call 911, but the woman declined.

The Postal Service employee knew the customer was the grandmother of a friend of hers, so she called family members instead.

Austin comforted the customer and provided first aid until the woman’s relatives arrived and took her to a hospital.

The family members later praised Austin’s actions to local Postmaster Erik Williams.

The customer has recovered from her injuries and is back at work at her antiques store.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.