“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1. Who photographed the most recent stamps in the Lunar New Year series?
a) Antonio Alcalá
b) Sally Andersen-Bruce
c) Camille Chew
d) Felix Unger
2. What is the subject of Postal Bulletin’s Feb. 20 cover story?
a) Imposter scams
b) Money orders
c) Passports
d) Winter safety
3. When did Louis DeJoy begin his tenure as postmaster general?
a) Spring 2020
b) Summer 2020
c) Spring 2021
d) Summer 2021
4. Chenise LeDoux, the recently appointed Southern Area acting vice president, began her Postal Service career in what capacity?
a) Clerk
b) Letter carrier
c) Mail handler assistant
d) Rural carrier associate
5. What does David Plybon, Equal Employment Opportunity program manager at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, do whenever he has a bad day?
a) Cook
b) Lift weights
c) Paint
d) Sing
Answers: 1) b. 2) a. 3) a. 4) a. 5) d.