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On a roll

Test your knowledge of bike deliveries, Hank Aaron and more

Kelly Fischer, a Sun City, AZ, letter carrier, rides a bike along her route.
Kelly Fischer, a Sun City, AZ, letter carrier, rides a bike along her route.

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. Approximately how many Sun City, AZ, routes are delivered by USPS employees on bicycles?

a) 10 percent

b) 20 percent

c) 30 percent

d) 40 percent

2. Fill in the blank: Hank Aaron hit home run (blank) on the night of April 8, 1974, breaking Babe Ruth’s record.

a) No. 710

b) No. 715

c) No. 720

d) No. 725

3. Which of the following is not a Low Denomination Flowers stamp?

a) One-cent Fringed Tulip

b) Two-cent Daffodils

c) Three-cent Peonies

d) Four-cent Pansies

4. Who succeeded Benjamin Franklin as postmaster general on Nov. 7, 1776?

a) Richard Bache

b) Ebenezer Hazard

c) Arthur Summerfield

d) John Wanamaker

5. True or false: Carter Scott, a Gaithersburg, MD, tractor-trailer operator who recently received the Postal Service’s Driver of the Year Award, began his career in 1989.

a) True

b) False

Answers: 1) d. 2) b. 3) d. 4) a. 5) b. Scott began his career in 1979.