They trained.
They ran.
They won some mugs.
Team Pony Express, representing Postal Inspection Service and other USPS employees, successfully completed the B2V race, a two-day, 120-mile relay between Baker, CA, and Las Vegas.
“What an incredible adventure it was for all,” said Inspector in Charge Carroll Harris, a first-time participant who crossed the finish line during the early morning hours of April 10.
Harris and other team members won coveted trophy mugs for their performance in the race, which draws thousands of law enforcement professionals each year.
Dave McKenna, a postal inspector who has been involved with the B2V since 2005 and has led Team Pony Express since 2009, plans to step down and hand the leadership baton to this year’s co-captain, Kimberly Granger, a fellow inspector.
“When I look back on the challenges of this year’s race, I think of our team motto: ad astra per aspera, a Latin phrase meaning to the stars through hardships,” McKenna said.