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A healthy boost

CFC spotlights medical research

The Combined Federal Campaign includes several charities that support medical research.

The Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week is medical research.

If ever there were a time that demonstrated the vital importance of medical research, this is it.

The race to develop a coronavirus vaccine was one of breathtaking speed. What historically had taken years, took months.

Even in the middle of this dazzling medical full court press, online news site Healthline reports, researchers were doing groundbreaking work in heart disease, cancer, gene editing and Alzheimer’s disease.

Medical research is vital, in both senses of the word. It also costs money. One reason the COVID-19 vaccines were developed so quickly was that funding from the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed helped foot the bill for the research.

Donating to medical research helps speed the development of vaccines, treatments and outright cures that much more quickly.

If you’re unsure of where to focus your giving in this category, the website for the campaign, also called the CFC, makes it easy:

Under “Donors” on the homepage, choose “Online Charity Search” from the drop-down menu.

The second field is “Select a Specific Category.” From there, choose “Medical Research.”

The Combined Federal Campaign is the federal government’s workplace charity drive. The latest campaign began Sept. 1 and runs through Jan. 15.

Participation in the CFC is voluntary.

The website has more information.

This is the 16th and final in a series of articles spotlighting the Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week.