If you want to change your health benefits or enroll in a new plan, you must act now.
The annual open season benefits enrollment period ends Monday, Dec. 13, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
This is the last chance most Postal Service employees will have until next November to consider new health, vision, dental or flexible spending options.
Employees can choose from a variety of coverage options through the following programs:
• Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program;
• USPS Health Benefits Plan (USPSHBP), for noncareer employees only;
• Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP); and
• Flexible spending accounts (FSAs).
Remember to use PostalEASE to enroll in the FEHB or the USPSHBP.
You can access PostalEASE from the Benefits Enrollment Changes section of the Open Season LiteBlue page, or by calling the employee service line at 877-477-3273 (select option 1).
The Federal Relay Service number is 800-877-8339.
This is also a good time to review and update your PostalEASE login information, as well as your beneficiary forms.
To make changes to your dental or vision plans, log on to the BENEFEDS website or call 877-888-3337 (TTY: 877-899-5680). To enroll in an FSA, use the FSAFEDS site or call 877-372-3337 (TTY: 800-952-0450).
The Open Season LiteBlue page has additional information and resources, including FAQs, video, and a link to Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees.