Pledging a gift through the Combined Federal Campaign on Nov. 30, also known as Giving Tuesday, benefits two forces for good — and that’s on top of the benefit to your chosen charity.
Giving Tuesday began in 2012 and is observed on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. What started as a local endeavor in New York City is, less than 10 years later, a global movement dedicated to charitable giving and radical kindness.
The Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, partnered early with Giving Tuesday, and federal employees have historically turned it into the biggest giving day of the campaign.
Giving Tuesday is what the military would refer to as a “force multiplier” for the CFC: a catalyst for increased performance.
Organizers are urging federal employees to seize the day and give generously to one or more of the thousands of charities under the CFC umbrella.
If you’re new to the CFC, there’s no time like Giving Tuesday to get started. The online CFC Donor Pledging System has more information about the campaign, along with a gateway page that allows participants to easily access their local CFC website. (Paper pledge forms are available for those who do not wish to donate electronically.)
And if you’ve given in the past, why not use Nov. 30 to increase your pledge or to donate to a new cause? Or perhaps make a special donation in honor of the campaign’s 60th anniversary?
The goal for the Postal Service this year is to raise $6.9 million.
Most donations are monetary, but volunteer work can also be pledged and will count toward the USPS total.
Employees with questions can email the Postal Service’s CFC team.