Jany Dalrymple is an advocate for Informed Delivery, both in and out of the office.
“As soon as I learned about Informed Delivery a year and a half ago, I signed up for it. I look at it on a daily basis,” the Fort Lauderdale, FL, mailing requirements clerk says.
Informed Delivery is the free notification service from USPS that allows customers to preview their incoming mail and manage their packages on smartphones, tablets and other devices.
The Postal Service wants to enroll 40 million Informed Delivery users by 2020. This will help USPS attract businesses that want to add interactive content to Informed Delivery emails, which will extend the “life” of the businesses’ mailpieces, keep mail relevant and boost postal revenue.
To help other employees sign up new customers, Dalrymple offers these tips:
• Tell businesses about Informed Delivery. If you work with commercial mailers, ask them if they know about the feature. If they aren’t familiar with it, help them to learn more.
• Focus on visibility. When talking to consumers, use real-life examples to explain the usefulness of Informed Delivery, such as being able to see when a child’s report card is coming or when a credit card bill is on the way.
• Capitalize on opportunities. If you’re at a community meeting or public event, talk to people about Informed Delivery. If they haven’t signed up, take their email addresses and send them information.
“Everyone I’ve talked to is receptive about Informed Delivery and they are so appreciative of the information,” Dalrymple says.
“Best Practices,” a series on employees who demonstrate on-the-job excellence, appears regularly in Link.