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Mark calendars for 2019 activities

Letter carrier sits in delivery vehicle and picks up bag marked Stamp Out Hunger at mailbox
Steve Marten, a letter carrier at Hilldale Station in Madison, WI, collects donations during last year’s Stamp Out Hunger food drive. This year’s drive will be May 11.

The new year will bring stamp releases, annual events and other Postal Service activities you should know about.

USPS has announced several planned stamp releases for 2019, beginning with Hearts Blossom on Jan. 10.

Other early releases include Lunar New Year: Year of the Boar (Jan. 17), Black Heritage: Gregory Hines (Jan. 28), Cactus Flowers (Feb. 15) and Alabama Statehood (Feb. 23).

The National Postal Forum, the mailing industry’s largest annual meeting, will be held from May 5-8 in Indianapolis.

National Postal Customer Council Week, an annual event that brings together USPS and industry leaders at meetings across the nation, will be held from Sept. 23-27.

Additionally, National Dog Bite Prevention Week is expected to be held in April, while the Stamp Out Hunger food drive will be held May 11.

Thanksgiving falls on Nov. 28 in 2019 — the latest date the holiday can occur, which means the peak delivery season will be a little shorter than usual.

The Holidays & Events page lists other holidays this year.

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