Brian and Joyce Cavanaugh’s careers with the Postal Service are over, but their love is destined to last a lifetime.
The New Jersey couple retired as letter carriers on the same day in the fall. The two started their USPS careers at the Brown Mills, NJ, Post Office in the 1980s and were married in 2004.
“We were friends for a long time before we started dating,” Joyce said.
The Cavanughs have seen more than three decades of changes within the Postal Service, and Joyce points to one of the more recent developments as the most significant.
“Scanning is the biggest change I see now,” she said. “It seems like everything has a barcode on it now, and we have to … make sure we get each one.”
This kind of dedication impressed Postmaster Lori Donahue.
“Both are hard workers, dedicated and go above and beyond for the Postal Service and their customers,” she said. “They are so dependable and always here to help anybody out.”
When asked if there were any issues with working side by side for so many years, both Cavanaughs laughed.
Said Brian: “We get along really well and want to be together, so it’s pretty nice.”