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Need to know

Flag notice, holiday hours and more

Flags flying at half-staff
President Trump has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor the victims of the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Flag notice. President Trump has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor the victims of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset Wednesday, Oct. 31.

To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the half-staff position. The flag should be raised to the peak again before it’s lowered for the day.

For additional information, refer to the Postal Service’s guidelines on U.S. flag display and maintenance.

Holiday operations. The Postal Service is providing general operating policy and planning guidance for the Veterans Day holiday, which will be observed Monday, Nov. 12.

A new memo, available on Blue, explains guidelines for delivery, retail, processing and logistics operations.

Address changes. A new Postal Service video explains how consumers can use to change an address.

The 35-second video is geared toward people who’ve been displaced by a crisis, such as a storm, flood or fire.

USPS has posted English-language and Spanish-language versions of the video on its YouTube channel.

If you’re unable to stream video from external sites on postal computers, you can use a personal smartphone, tablet or other device to go to and watch these segments off the clock.

Celebrating innovation. The Postal Service is seeking submissions for its Next Generation Campaign Awards, which celebrate innovative mail campaigns that include Informed Delivery.

Submissions are due Friday, Feb. 15. The awards’ site has more information.

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