Extended deadline. Postal Service employees have more time to order a USPS-approved shirt to promote the Alzheimer’s semipostal stamp.
The new deadline is Sunday, Oct. 28, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. The vendor is slated to ship orders before Friday, Nov. 9.
A shirt to promote the Saving Vanishing Species semipostal stamp is also available and must be ordered before Friday, Nov. 16, at 5 p.m. Eastern time. The vendor is slated to ship these orders before Friday, Nov. 30.
Information on ordering the shirts is available on LiteBlue. Employees will need their employee identification number and USPS password to log into LiteBlue.
The Postal Service announced both shirts this week. Employees who have questions can email them to Ethics.Help@usps.gov.
Awards reminder. Nominations are due Wednesday, Oct. 31, for the third annual Engagement Leader of the Year Awards, which honor leaders who foster enthusiasm, involvement and commitment among their teams and peers.
Nominees must be Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) or Postal Career Executive Services (PCES) employees in leadership positions and have employees who report directly to them.
The nomination forms and instructions are available on the Employee Engagement Blue and LiteBlue pages.
Postal Bulletin. The Postal Bulletin’s Oct. 25 issue previews the Postal Service’s plans for this year’s peak holiday delivery season. The publication also includes the latest updates to USPS policies, procedures and forms.
Are you Informed? Employees can sign up for Informed Delivery, a free feature that provides users with digital previews of their incoming mail, at informeddelivery.usps.com. Sign-up is voluntary.
Got news for “Need to know”? Email your submissions to uspslink@usps.gov.