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America! America!

USPS dedicates O Beautiful stamps

Colorado/Wyoming District Manager Kevin Romero
Colorado/Wyoming District Manager Kevin Romero stands near the O Beautiful stamp images following their unveiling.

The natural beauty of the United States was celebrated during a stirring July 4 dedication ceremony for the Postal Service’s new O Beautiful stamps.

The 20-stamp sheet features majestic images from across the nation that correspond with lyrics to the patriotic standard “America the Beautiful.”

Colorado/Wyoming District Manager Kevin Romero, who led the ceremony, praised the photographers behind the images.

“The O Beautiful stamps not only showcase the extraordinary natural beauty found in the United States, they also showcase the extraordinary measures taken by some of the country’s best photographers to get the perfect shot,” he said at the event, which was held during the Colorado Springs Philharmonic’s annual Independence Day symphony.

The stamp images highlight hidden gems, such as wheat fields in Wisconsin and Montana; lush, fertile landscapes in California; and fleeting wonders, including a double rainbow arching over a Kansas field and the aurora borealis lighting up the sky over Washington state.

The images are arranged in five rows that reflect lyrics from the song: “spacious skies,” “waves of grain,” “mountain majesties,” “the fruited plain” and “sea to shining sea.”

The stamps are available at Post Offices and

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