Employees at a USPS facility in Atlanta can now access LiteBlue, the organization’s intranet, in their break room.
The North Metro Processing and Distribution Center recently added several LiteBlue-enabled computers to the room to make it easier for employees to find information about payroll, benefits and similar topics.
“Employees are eager to use the computers and printers,” said Atlanta District Information Systems Manager Steve Claiborne, whose team installed the equipment.
The initiative is part of the Postal Service’s broader effort to engage, equip and empower its workforce, a core business strategy.
All employees can also access LiteBlue from personal computers, although they’ll need their employee identification number and password to log in.
North Metro workers said they appreciate the expanded access to LiteBlue.
“It is convenient for accessing my Postal Service records like my paystub and leave-hour balances,” said Mail Processing Clerk Toni Patterson.