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News quiz

How well do you remember what you read?

Man dressed as Santa Claus laughs alongside two women
In Los Angeles, Greenmead Station Manager Jorge Alvarez, dressed as Santa Claus, greets Customer Service Operations Manager Marci Luna and Customer Services Supervisor Adela Silber during an Operation Santa kickoff event last month.

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. True or false: USPS is extending voluntary early retirement offers to eligible mail handlers and clerks.

a) True
b) False

2. What year did the Upton, NY, Post Office begin serving customers at Brookhaven National Laboratory?

a) 1918
b) 1926
c) 1947
d) 1960

3. Which is not a winter safe driving tip?

a) Allow yourself extra time to stop and turn.
b) Always wear your seatbelt.
c) Rehearse winter driving in a full parking lot.
d) Scan the road ahead.

4. Where did USPS test a digital version of Operation Santa last year?

a) Chicago
b) Los Angeles
c) New York City
d) San Diego

5. Under the Hatch Act, if you reply to a Facebook post  in support of a political candidate on your day off, can you mention that you’re a Postal Service employee in the reply?

a) Yes, because federal employees can comment on social media posts.
b) Yes, because you are using social media to engage in political activity while off the clock.
c) No, because you are identifying yourself as a federal employee while engaging in political activity.
d) No, because federal employees cannot engage in political activity.

Answers: 1) a. 2) c. 3) c. 4) c. 5) c.

Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at

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