Postal Service leaders have offered employees sage advice at recent career events.
“The most important thing you can do for yourself is invest in your personal growth as a leader,” Chief Operating Officer Dave Williams told more than 200 employees at a recent gathering in Great Lakes Area’s Lakeland District. “Nobody wants to say, ‘I did not live up to my full potential.”
The Lakeland District event honored employees who’ve achieved yellow belt certification, a significant achievement in the Lean Six Sigma continuous improvement process.
USPS leaders have also addressed employees at recent career conferences, which are held each year to help participants hone their skills and learn about job opportunities.
Speakers at a recent Greater Michigan District conference included Williams, Great Lakes Area VP Jacqueline Krage Strako and Pricing and Costing VP Sharon Owens, who each encouraged attendees to be passionate about their professional development aspirations.
At other events, postal leaders have emphasized the importance of networking.
“It’s not who you know, it is how you impress the people who know you,” Western Area VP Greg Graves told attendees at an Arizona District conference.
Employees say they appreciate the words of wisdom.
“I came here today trying to figure out what’s my next step,” said Lori New, a Milwaukee delivery operations supervisor who attended Williams’ presentation in Lakeland District. “And everything he said was very informative.”