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Rules of thumb

Using external storage devices at USPS

Hand holding a thumb drive
Do you know the Postal Service’s rules for using external storage devices?

The Postal Service is reminding employees to follow the proper procedures for using external storage devices on USPS computers and equipment.

Employees can only use Postal Service-approved external devices, such as thumb drives, flash drives and external hard drives to store postal USPS data.

For additional guidelines, go to the Utilize Encryption Blue page to find out which devices are approved for use at the Postal Service.

Additionally, contact your supervisor or procurement coordinator to request the proper device through the online eBuy 2 catalog.

If you suspect USPS data has been compromised through your USB device, don’t attempt to fix the situation yourself. Instead, report it immediately by emailing the CyberSecurity Operations Center at

The CyberSafe at USPS Blue, LiteBlue and sites have more information.

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