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Need to know

Cancer awareness shirts, other news

Pink USPS cancer awareness shirt
The Breast Cancer Awareness Month shirts can be ordered through Sept. 17. In addition to the pink shirt shown here, a black version is available.

Wearable awareness. Reminder: Through Sept. 17, employees can order a USPS-approved shirt for Breast Cancer Awareness Month from a special site.

The shirt meets this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month guidelines, which are available on Blue.

The shirt, which features the USPS logo and a breast cancer awareness ribbon, is available in several sizes and two colors: black and pink.

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Take action. The Postal Bulletin’s latest edition previews Energy Action Month, which occurs every October.

The article reports on the Postal Service’s ongoing energy conservation efforts and includes tips for employees.

The Sept. 14 edition also includes the latest policies, procedures and forms updates.

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