The Postal Service received praise this week from someone who knows a thing or two about good behavior: Dear Abby.
A customer wrote to the advice columnist to publicly thank USPS for delivering postcards to her despite them being incorrectly addressed.
The woman, who signed her letter “Thankful Grandma J,” explained how her vacationing grandchildren didn’t know how to use postcards and wrote messages across the recipient address areas.
Their mother found a small space on the cards to write her parents’ address.
“I would like to thank the postal workers in both Springfield and Wales, Massachusetts, and in Hartford, Connecticut, for caring, for taking the time to search for our address and forwarding these wonderful memories to us,” the grandmother wrote.
Abby was impressed too.
“[Postal employees] obviously take pride in their work,” the columnist replied.
Wales Postmaster Jan Motyka was delighted to see her office mentioned in the column and thanked employees for their efforts.
“We work as a team to see that each and every piece of mail is delivered,” she said. “We know that a postcard from the grandkids is every bit as important as a lottery check.”