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Delivery done right

Accurate, friendly deliveries boost customer service

How letter carriers deliver mail affects a customer’s overall perception of the Postal Service, Consumer and Industry Affairs VP Jim Nemec says in his latest “POV” video.

“When customers have a positive experience with delivery, they perceive us as a brand they can trust,” Nemec says.

The Postal Service has surveyed more than 27,000 customers since last October. Residential customers remain highly satisfied, but satisfaction among some small businesses has dipped, Nemec says.

“Our letter carriers do a good job delivering [but] there is room to get better.”

Carriers should scan mail accurately, get signatures if required and make sure mail is delivered accurately, says Delivery Operations VP Ed Phelan, who also appears in the video.

“Remember, to the customer you are the Postal Service,” Phelan says. “When you deliver the mail correctly, customers have more confidence in us.”

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