Brownies, snacks and toiletries may not seem like much, but to U.S. troops deployed overseas, it’s a reminder that family and friends back home haven’t forgotten them.
Texas-based Military Moms and Wives of Brazoria County is one of several organizations that send care packages to U.S. military stationed aboard.
According to the group’s site, the packages convey a message: “We are with you in spirit.”
Military Moms and Wives volunteers recently worked with Clute, TX, Postmaster Natalie Barrios, Postal Inspector Allen McHenry and others to mail approximately 2,000 care packages.
Miles away in Prescott, AZ, 83-year-old Gerda Samuels and another group of volunteers recently shipped their 5,000th care package to overseas military.
The packages usually include socks, magazines, batteries, homemade brownies and encouraging, handwritten notes from Samuels, The Daily Courier reported.
In Derby, KS, volunteers meet at a church each Friday to pack snacks and homemade cookies into care packages destined for U.S. troops overseas.
The packages are sent by USPS.
“They’re out there away from their families and loved ones,” volunteer Ruthanne Whitely told the Derby Informer. The packages let soldiers know they’re not forgotten, she said.