It makes sense that Dan Potwora would be the cover guy for a New York magazine called Stroll Delaware Park.
The Buffalo, NY, letter carrier, dubbed “Mailman Dan” and spotlighted for his service to the neighborhood the magazine covers, walks 4.5 miles a day on his route.
The article refers to Potwora as “a guardian angel in uniform” for twice helping rescue residents in need and for delivering “kindness, connection and a sense of safety” — along with the mail.
Potwora has been with USPS for 23 years, eight of them at his present location, Northside Station. “It’s a privilege to watch the neighborhood evolve and stay part of it all,” he said.
Building brand awareness
Direct Effect Innovation Challenges allow teams of undergraduate marketing students to work on — and hopefully pitch — their own direct-mail projects to major brands.
At a recent event, the major brand was the U.S. Postal Service itself: Teams were tasked with building brand awareness among younger generations for USPS Informed Delivery.
Semifinalists were invited to present their plans to Sheila Holman, USPS marketing vice president; William Kersch, USPS innovation and product development specialist; and Val DiFebo, CEO of Deutsch NY advertising agency.
The team from Loyola University Chicago took the prize.
“The experience of having this opportunity for the 45 students in my course was amazing,” said Sean Connolly, a professor and faculty adviser at the Loyola University Quinlan School of Business.
“USPS is such a prominent and important firm, which made it easier for students to quickly engage with the challenge. … USPS helped me teach a better and higher impact course to my students.”
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